Friday, March 14, 2008

2 out of 3 birds choose Skippy

This guy is an African Grey Timneh feather plucker. I was given this bird because he didn't care for his own. (owned by a guy for 10yrs, he got sick and died then the wife won him and the bird didn't like her or vise versa.) He has totally plucked everything he can reach. He has grown back his feathers 1 time in 2 yrs. I don't care I love him bald or furry. Since h looks like a plucked chicken, he name is no longer "Dusty" it is now Chicken.
This guy is Orson. He is an African Grey Congo. He was hand fed, loved me but now is terrified of me and most things. The vet thinks he is in his hormonal phase. Its going on about 16 months of him being extremely fearful to the point he flutters to the bottom of his cage flapping like a freak, breaking feathers and bruising himself. Not a feather plucker but I can see him leaning toward that. Just to clean his cage is traumatizing for BOTH of us. Maybe on day every 2 months will he have a flicker of love toward me. I can scratch him then he realizes it is me and starts growling. What a waste of a great talker and once loving bird. Then there is the Orange wing Amazon named Jack....I adopted him 3 yrs ago and fell in love with him. He has found his Amazon voice and isn't afraid to use it. God he is LOUD!

Then the guardian kitten Henry Ferguson being his usual pain in the butt....spoiled rotten little dumpling that he is. He has to be the center of attention...and he is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a pretty puddy tat. He looks guilty as sin. Take a head someone missing?