Friday, March 14, 2008

My Favorite Queen of Comedy

Chelsea Handler

Some people (retarded ones) seem to think that her name is Chelsea Lately. It is not. Her show is called "Chelsea Lately" Now do you get it?

Well if you want a good laugh, just turn on the E channel at 10:30pm or 1:30am CT.

She is hilarious,quick,dirty minded,blunt and says what I wish I could say. AND she is beautiful. She makes fun of the freaks of Hollywood. Plus, she makes fun of people like Heidi Montag and that dipshit Paris. Can you tell why I like her?

I also love her sidekick Chuy. He is her "little nugget" and is great! Watch it, you'll get addicted too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's cool I think too. I don't get Chewy though. What's the connection with him?